
The Journey of Dian Yulia, Mother of Teenager with Autism

My name is Dian Yulia, mother of Satria, a 12 year old teenager with Autism.

At first, it was hard for me and my family to face the fact that this second child was seen and grew up differently from other children in general. Feel heavy, tired, and tired of carrying out daily routines. Not to mention facing opinions and rejection from residents (especially their peers) towards Satria.

But since the pandemic around late 2019, I have met many communities virtually. Within this community, I've been surrounded by people with positive energy, who give each other robust support. I have personally experienced that kindness is contagious.

For more than two years with the MPATI Family (Indonesian Autism Concern Society), I understand that everyone has the same serious problem. However, we work together to support and strengthen each other, not just complain. Often, there is laughter and jokes when interacting in the WhatsApp group or face to face. support dan saling menguatkan satu sama lain, tidak melulu mengeluh. Tak jarang ada gelak tawa dan canda saat berinteraksi di grup WhatsApp maupun saat bertatap muka.

Likewise, when I felt tired and unable and started to complain, they didn't judge me at all. Of course, I feel delighted, valued, and validated for being listened to and not ignored. The MPATI family consists of many parties and parents who had previous experience struggling compared to me so that I can gain knowledge, exchange experiences, and strengths, especially regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Saat ini, dengan izin Allah SWT

I feel my feet are stronger to stand on. The times of sadness and despair have passed. These feelings replaced with enthusiasm to continue learning to be good parents for Satria and his other siblings. I also hope to be encourager to parents of other children with Autism. It is a great desire to continue to pass this torch of kindness on to parents and other MPATI families throughout Indonesia.

Jadi, inilah hikmahnya

Having Satria in my life finally made me realize that being a mother is an extraordinary worship, Masha Allah. How a mother can be fragile but also strong and tough at the same time. Lack of Satria is a privilege from Allah SWT.

Thanks to Satria, I can learn a lot about Autism, become more down-to-earth, less fanciful, and can relate to many good links. This is one proof of Allah SWT's love for me and Satria.

Pikiran dan hati saya saat ini lebih terbuka

One day I will be old. Strength and ability will certainly decrease over time. But with the knowledge I got from the great people I met, Insya Allah, I'm optimistic and have hope that one day Satria will be able to live independently and carry out activities like other people in general, with all the uniqueness he has.

May Allah bless this endeavor. Aamiin.

#BeKindBeStrong always with MPATI.


Penulis adalah Dian Yulia, Ibu dari remaja dengan Autisme dan Program Coordinator Yayasan MPATI

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