Menangani Individu dengan Autisme pada Saat Masa Pubertas

How to Manage Individuals with Autism During Puberty?

Before starting the discussion in this article, you need to know the definition of Autism. Autism is a disorder of the development of the nervous system from an early age and persists into adulthood. Individuals with Autism usually show characteristics such as no eye contact, to disturbances in social communication. In some cases, Autism can also be diagnosed at the age of one, but it tends to be rare. In some cases that tend to be mild, the diagnosis of Autism may only be detected after the individual is an adult. This is usually seen from the individual's lack of ability to establish increasingly complex social relationships, as adults, which tend not to bother before.

Also Read: Challenges from Large Families of Children with Autism

For individuals with Autism, understanding other people's feelings and thoughts is not easy. Individuals with Autism find it difficult to share their expressions with others or understand the words of others. This causes difficulties for individuals with Autism to make friends. Individuals with Autism also tend to be interested in one object and can focus on that object for hours. And perhaps a sound, touch, or smell that seems typically normal to others can make an individual with Autism very uncomfortable. By knowing the signs and characteristics of individuals with Autism as early as possible, we need to take action/intervention as early as possible, of course, with the help of experts.

For parents, it is necessary to provide social, moral, and sexual knowledge as early as possible. Because even though their behavior tends to be childish, or their communication skills have not developed according to age, their body will develop according to their chronological age/calendar age. For example, let's look at a child's behavior and understanding. It is equivalent to the mental age of a 7-year-old child. However, physically he will still show signs of puberty, such as menstruation, wet dreams, and a tendency to seek sexual pleasure in his teens, namely 10- 12 years old. This means that often these hormonal changes occur without being followed by knowledge about what is right and wrong in children.

Without preparation that starts early, it is feared that many issues will arise when entering adolescence later. For examples:

  • Excessive masturbation in inappropriate place
  • A desire to satisfy their sexual needs begins to emerge, which is not followed by an understanding of what is permissible and what is not, what is expected and what is not
  • A desire to satisfy their sexual needs begins to emerge, which is not followed by an understanding of what is permissible and what is not, what is expected and what is not

Therefore, parents need to be aware of their child's exposure to things that can cause stimulation and apply strict rules regarding masturbation, such as it can only be done in a closed room/bathroom of the house, and not allowed in public places because of embarrassment.

One strategy that can be done to reduce child masturbation is to involve children in various productive activities with the family to prevent children from being alone in the room.

There are 4 stages that must be carried out to teach sexuality education to children with Autism:

Three Ways to Manage Individuals with Autism During Puberty

1. Teach basic independence as early as possible

Teach children from an early age to be able to bathe, defecate, and urinate by themselves in the bathroom. When caregivers still assist children in their teens, it becomes vulnerable for children to become victims or abusers. When teaching, gradually train children to be able to dress in the bathroom so that they get used to being a teenager, and to be wrapped when they get out of the bathroom.

2. Introducing body parts

From an early age, teach children about private body parts, which should not be touched, seen, or opened by others except for certain people (e.g., mothers and doctors). This can be a provision for children to protect themselves from abusers. Remember to avoid confusion, and use proper terms like penis and vagina. When explaining, use language that is relaxed and not stiff.

3. Introducing social circle

The social circle teaches children about anyone in their environment, starting from themselves, the nuclear family, extended family, friends, and neighbors, to distant relatives. With this circle, we can teach the child what can and cannot be done and how to behave with members of each process. For example, with a large family, you can't lap, hug, kiss, let alone undress; with friends at school may shake hands and play together but may not hug and kiss; and so forth.


It is better to prepare these supporting skills as early as possible before the child enters his teens. But there is always time. Let's apply the tips above to prepare your child to join an independent youth!

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