In commemoration of World Autism Day, which falls every April 2nd, we will hold a Fun Walk for Autism 2015 with the theme "Autism Is NOT A Joke."

The event will be held on:

Day/date: Sunday, March 29 2015

Time: 06.00-09.30 WIB

We plan to start this event from the City Hall Building.

Registration or info can call/sms to:

021-7815225 / 0816893913

email :


Also support us through:

This event is free (using a white T-shirt) or you can donate to us:

  • IDR 100,000 (get a T-shirt, hat and drink)
  • IDR 50,000 (get a hat and drink)


Photos of the "Fun Walk 2015 'Autism Is Not A Joke'" activity "It is time for people's perception of the word Autism as a mockery to slowly disappear from society.

Jakarta, March 29, 2015 - The Indonesian Autism Concern Society (MPATI) today held simultaneous FUN WALK activities in 3 big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, and Solo, to campaign for the word Autism not to be ridiculed. MPATI organized this activity in commemorating World Autism Day, which falls on April 2 every year, as a substantial effort to provide equal rights to children with Autism.

After being proclaimed "Jakarta Autism Friendly" in April 2013 by Mr. Joko Widodo as the Governor of DKI Jakarta, MPATI seeks to create a better future for children with Autism in Indonesia.

“I believe that the main key to the success of treating children with Autism lies in accurate diagnosis, proper education, and strong support. The support from various parties is actually a great hope for parents and teachers in dealing with children with Autism. One way is not to use the word Autism as an object of ridicule,” said Gayatri Pamoedji – Founder and Chair of MPATI and parents of children with Autism.

The 2015 Fun Walk activity “Autism is Not a Joke” featured entertainment programs such as music, traditional dances, an exhibition of paintings by autistic children who excel in Indonesia and also sharing sessions with MPATI Pioneers and Pioneers who had successfully socialized Autism treatment.

"Every year MPATI is always enthusiastic about celebrating World Autism Day by holding various positive activities that are also supported by the DKI Provincial Government. We also thank those who have supported the realization of this event, such as Lottemart, Rumah Zakat, Bank DKI, Nutrifood, Female Radio and SCTV," said Ida Kadarusno - Chair of the Fun Walk Committee Autism is Not a Joke.

Meanwhile, the Marketing Director of Lotte Retail Indonesia - Engeline Tjia, said that LOTTE Mart pays special attention to people with Autism. "The form of attention that we do is by including recipes and photos in the LOTTE Mart catalog for children with Autism, as well as socialization with resource persons which is carried out in the store, six times a year," said Engeline. The activities carried out with MPATI are part of the LOTTE Mart program supporting Healthy Indonesia.

"The widespread use of the word Autism by some parties as an object of ridicule, ridicule, and even a song lyric by one of the country's music groups, are things that normal people can forget for a moment, but for the families of autistic children this is very painful and unbearable. easy to forget. We hope that the public's perception of autism is not a funny thing but a joke that is painful and can slowly fade away from society," concluded Lula Kamal - Ambassador of MPATI.


Founded on June 24, 2004, (in 1998 under the name KOMPAS, Autistic and ADHD Concerned Community), Indonesian Autism Concerned Society (MPATI) is a non-profit foundation that focuses on providing information, educational tools, training, and counseling on autism issues in Indonesia. MPATI believes that through integrated treatment—accurate diagnosis, proper education, and strong support—autistic children will be able to have a better future.

MPATI is driven by volunteers from various backgrounds, as expert consultants. MPATI works together with and gets help from Autism professionals and experts in Australia and America. Since its founding, MPATI has published 1 early detection poster, 1 guide video, 2 books, 1 comic, and has held various seminars, workshops and public awareness campaigns in 15 provinces in Indonesia.



Gd. Hastacentra Lt.2

Jl. Raya Tanjung Barat No.7 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12510

Ph/Fax: 021.7815225 ext.237 / 021.7816441, 0813 8074 1898.

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