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How do I determine the most suitable school for my autistic child?

In principle, the right school is determined by the abilities and needs of the child. School determination cannot be done solely based on other people's stories. You have to come to school, have a heart-to-heart talk with the parents of other children who have entered the school, and meet and discuss with the principal and class teacher. From there, you will have a better picture of the school. Here are some criteria that can be used as a reference to whether the school is ideal or not for children with autism:

  1. Schools and teachers have the passion and belief that every child can learn (presume intellect).
  2. Schools have adequate knowledge about Autism.
  3. The teachers at the school have adequate knowledge about the education of autistic children, and the teachers receive regular training.
  4. Classrooms should be quiet, and there are few pictures on the walls.
  5. Schools and teachers are eager to take advice from parents and experts outside the school.
  6. The number of students in the class is a little.
  7. Schools and teachers prioritize children's interests, needs, and abilities above curriculum targets.

Source: 200 Questions and Answers About Autism Book, Page 42


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